The 5 Ways to live in Harmony with Wildlife in Oakville

The 5 Ways to live in Harmony with Wildlife in Oakville

You may have noticed more frequent sightings of wildlife in Oakville over the past few years, in particular coyotes. 

According to the Oakville -Milton Humane Society (OMHS), more frequent reports of coyotes during this time is in part due to more people staying at home over the pandemic, which allowed people more opportunity and time to explore their residential neigbourhoods and to encounter various wild neighbourhood inhabitants like coyotes.

During approximately mid-February coyotes are mating, with puppies due in April. Therefore, there will be more frequent sightings, as well as fall when coyotes prepare for winter.

As humans continue to encroach on coyote territory through housing and infrastructure development, there will be more human/coyote interaction. 

Therefore, the OMHS recommends 5 main rules to allow for a more peaceful co-existence:

  1. DO NOT leave out bird seed in the backyard as this will encourage or lure coyotes into your backyard to hunt birds and other small animals.

  2. DO NOT Intentionally feed coyotes as this will make them become dependent on people to feed them and they will become potentially more aggressive due to losing their natural fear of humans.

  3. DO secure all garbage and compost containers outside to deter ALL wildlife.

  4. DO NOT allow the family cat to roam the neigbourhood. An easy target for coyotes.

  5. DO wave, make loud movements, throw small objects close to the coyote (not at), yell, or use a noise maker when approached or confronted by a coyote to instill a natural fear of humans - called Aversion Conditioning.

For more useful information on maintaining harmony in your neighbourhood with coyotes and other creatures visit the OMHS website and Coyote Watch Canada.

Are you looking for your ideal neigbourhood in Oakville? Sue Heddle Homes can help. 

With 15 years of experience, Sue Heddle Homes has what it takes to help you find your ideal home and location. From sharing key information about specific areas to knowing how to negotiate the best price, Sue is the only experienced realtor you need. If you’re thinking of starting your home search, give us a call at 416-906-7998, and let’s talk.


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